BitxBit Blog

Windows 11: Soon it Will be Time to Upgrade as Microsoft Sunsets Windows 10

Written by Eleanor Boschert | Jan 16, 2025 3:30:00 PM

Head’s up! Starting October 14, 2025, Windows 10 will no longer receive support updates or free software updates.

It may be the bitter winds of January out there right now, but October will be here soon enough and before you can say Halloween is around the corner, you will need to move to Windows 11 for enhanced security, better productivity, and access to the latest features.

It can be easier than you think to move to Windows 11 where you will experience better battery life and performance. And, who doesn’t want faster web browsing that comes with it?

Among the changes you'll need to do, you will want to make sure you install Windows 11 or buy a device that uses Windows 11 before you upgrade.

That’s where your trusted MSP Bit by Bit comes in, offering you a plan on how we can help you upgrade and keep your Windows platform running without a hitch. Here’s three quick tips:

  1. Make sure you meet minimum system requirements
  2. Upgrade by software download
  3. Buy a new device

Check back in with us at as we roll out our plan that includes strategies that include upgrading or replacing the necessary hardware to get your system up-to-speed.