_BBB Blog Masthead 2022  (1800 × 344 px)

Eleanor Boschert

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Top Technologies Driving Digital Transformtion

When creating a budget for your business, it’s important to remember that technology costs are more than just operational expenses.

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Four Employee Cyberthreat Traits

Your employees are your first line of defense when it comes to cybersecurity.  Are you sure that they can resist threats and prevent cyberattacks?

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(DID) Defense in Depth: Think Like a Hacker

Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to bypass security defenses. SO, you need to think like a hacker and adopt measures to stay ahead of...

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It's Cybersecurity Awareness Month:  AI Risks

It's October and it's Cybersecurity Awareness Month! While there are many threats to your cybersecurity, have you thought about how AI plays its part...

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How Social Media Misuse Can Harm Your Business

Social media has significantly transformed the way we communicate and do business. However, this growing popularity also comes with potential risks...

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How Do Potential Disasters Impact Your Business?

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Four Ways Disasters Fuel Cyberattacks

Everywhere we turn these days, we are exposed to disasters. Fire, flood, heat, ice, and cyber incidents that not only put our everyday lives in...

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Why Your Business Needs to Beef Up Employee Security Awareness

We live in an era where organizations are increasingly aware of the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. Despite billions of dollars invested...

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How Strong is Your Cybersecurity Culture - A Checklist

Even with the strongest cyber defenses in place, one wrong move by an employee can lead to disaster for a business. Security awareness training...

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Why Your Business Needs a Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan

Even on a good day, being a business owner is challenging. Apart from dealing with and effectively solving multiple problems, you also need the...

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